Collaboration between Altium Designer and SolidWorks
As more and more electronic products involve both electrical and mechanical components, and product release cycles get shorter, there’s a real need for stronger collaboration between the ECAD and MCAD domains. But that collaboration isn’t always smooth.
The electrical and mechanical designer often send emails back and forth or have to dabble in each other’s respective design tools. Something that leaves them treading a little water, and far removed from their established comfort zones. The solution is to use a method of collaboration that enables the two to graphically communicate ideas and proposals for change, without leaving their trusty working environments.
DXF/DWG support
Supporting your need to work with design files in other formats and from other tools, install this plugin to import a nominated AutoCAD DXF or DWG file into an open and active PCB document. The import in Altium is performed using the File » Import command. As part of the import, you can control settings such as layer mappings, donut-to-pad conversion, default line width and scale.
STEP and Parasolid export
Altium Designer supports exporting the PCB to the STEP file format. The STEP file can then be imported into an MCAD design environment, for further integration into the mechanical design. Parasolid export will also contain all copper information needed when imported into Solidworks.
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